Follow up to "Mightier Still"
The King smiles and giggles with joy,
his belly so round and fat with your swine and wine,
the Queen, her beauty oblivious to his disgusting sloth,
opens her thighs for the fame and riches he took.
Before all leaps the Jester, gayly and with feminine
virtues he spins and trips childish in manners and
pathetic in strengths for he is the great pretender
never living in this world but merely imitating it.
As the Jester entertains the slaves walk by
their bodies broken and drained with pain,
no one cares to know their fate for they
have no voice louder than the Jesters prance.
The Knights march to foreign lands imposing
the Kings will ensuring his wealth, their courage
and sacrifice serving the Monarchs will,
their story lost but for the Jesters glory is in their imitation.
Justice pulls down her dress and stumbles to her room,
her beauty faded and her hair tussled,
The Jester mocks her with pale imitations,
she just laughs and presents to be taken by he who is with coin.
The peasants hungry and without strength,
stare transfixed by the dancing coloured clown,
their labours wasted for all others, their wealth
drained by the King but the Jester makes them smile.
Liberty cries, her body broken,
Forgotten she whimpers a lady in need,
The Jester pretends to know her but never sees her,
Who recalls her looks or voice?, so beautiful, yet so lost.
The Court squabbles and meander their voices without
courage or character they mock and jive but all share
the same bed and to them whoever wears the crown
never changes the sheets.
And so you sit idle and amused,
The jester entertains and shakes his funny stick,
You barely notice unable to care,
When it is to late you see, your naked, caged and bound.
"Did we not entertain you !?" Screams the King,
your land, wealth, clothes and livelihood confiscated,
You cant protest, you have no voice,
you spent to long watching the fool, until it was you.
Do you watch on or do you escape ?
Perhaps you should pick your fate,
Because soon, maybe now as the Jesters play,
They will bugger you too.